Our members


05 June 2023

Members of the Australian Technology Network of Universities (ATN) have again excelled in the annual Times Higher Education Impact Rankings. RMIT University has achieved an overall ranking of 7th in the world and UTS 14th.


Members of the Australian Technology Network of Universities (ATN) have again excelled in the annual Times Higher Education Impact Rankings.

RMIT University has achieved an overall ranking of 7th in the world and UTS 14th.

The rankings are global performance tables which assess universities against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Comparison is made on four key areas of research, stewardship, outreach and teaching, assessing 1591 universities from 112 countries worldwide.

Australian universities again led the world with nine rated in the top 50, including The University of Newcastle at position 28, and 15 of the nation’s institutions are in the top 100.

RMIT also ranked 1st on decent work and economic growth and topped the list on reduced inequalities.

ATN Universities Executive Director, Luke Sheehy said, the rankings are reward for the hard work and professionalism across the group.

“This is a testament to the world-class work undertaken across not just across our own universities but the entire Australian higher education sector,” Mr Sheehy said.

“We are setting the example for the rest of the world, delivering for our students, domestic and international, and also ensuring we are good global citizens.”

Media Contact (not for publication)
Frank Coletta (Manager, Media and Communications) m: 0468 987 295 e: frank.coletta@atn.edu.au