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ATN demonstrating sector leadership by elevating industry voice

07 April 2022

Australian Technology Network of Universities (ATN) is delighted to demonstrate sector leadership by launching the ATN Industry Advisory Panel.

Australian Technology Network of Universities (ATN) is delighted to demonstrate sector leadership by launching the ATN Industry Advisory Panel.

The panel is comprised of current industry leaders who will provide strategic guidance and leadership for ATN, build practical networks to create more opportunities for research and commercialisation, and create opportunities to address Australia’s skills shortages.

The panel met earlier this week to commence its work with the network in identifying opportunities to deepen its collaboration with industry.

The panel focused on two areas in which ATN can make a significant impact. Firstly, harnessing university and industry expertise to shape the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem; and secondly, recommending key changes and initiatives that address acute and immediate skills challenges.

Members of the panel include:

The ATN Industry Advisory Panel will meet regularly and will provide advice over a two-year period.