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International education contributes to economy and communities

13 May 2024

International education is one of our major exports and plays a crucial role in our communities, as much as it does for the Australian economy, according to The Australian Technology Network of Universities (ATN Universities).

Responding to the announcement that legislation will be introduced to support the integrity and sustainability of the international education sector, ATN Chair, Professor Harlene Hayne CNZM, said the ATN group was keen to work with the Federal Government on good policy.

“International education is important to the national economy and, just as importantly, international students add considerably to the vibrancy of our university campuses, our classrooms and our communities,” Prof Hayne said.

“ATN looks forward to collaborating with the Minister and the Department to help build the framework and establish strong policy for sustainable growth.”

ATN Executive Director (Interim), Frank Coletta, said Australia should be proud of the world-class education our universities offer.

“ATN universities are a destination of choice for international students, they are a part of our family, they contribute to their communities and can use their skills in the workforce to contribute to the Australian economy.”

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