About ATN
Established in 1999, The Australian Technology Network of Universities is a peak body and trusted leader in the higher-education sector.
We’re the representative voice for Australia’s leading technology universities focused on enterprise, impact and finding solutions to issues facing our economy and society.
ATN actively works to shape positive policy outcomes and foster impactful research, while being dedicated to advancing equity, inclusion and social justice.

What We Do
In addition to being a sectoral leader in policy influence, ATN champions the contributions of our universities to industry, the wider higher-education sector and public affairs.
We invest $1.7 billion in research annually and forge strategic research partnerships and industry alliances. In turn, creating new opportunities for jobs in the Australian and global economy, and helping solve some of the world’s most pressing issues.
Our contributions to the policy debate at all levels of government, across the political spectrum, are highly trusted and valued, reflecting expertise accumulated over our 25 years in operation.
ATN is also proud to deliver innovative education programs with distinctive outcomes, giving graduates skills and capabilities to envision and shape the future. Our deep commitment to equity, inclusion and social justice continues to drive our mission to effect positive change.

We believe our universities are the engine room of new ideas that will shape Australia’s future and, therefore, we exist to advocate for their growth, impact and success.

Our Members
Our member universities are Curtin University, Deakin University, RMIT University, The University of Newcastle, University of South Australia and University of Technology Sydney.
University of Technology Sydney
University of South Australia
University of Newcastle
RMIT University
Deakin University
Curtin University
Regional Network
Our regional universities are RMIT Europe, Curtin University Mauritius, Deakin University GIFT City Campus India, RMIT Vietnam (Hanoi), Curtin University Singapore, The University of Newcastle Singapore, RMIT Vietnam (Saigon South) and Curtin University Malaysia.
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Curtin University Colombo
Deakin University GIFT|City Campus India
The University of Newcastle Singapore
Hà Nội
RMIT Vietnam (Hanoi)
Hồ Chí Minh
RMIT Vietnam (Saigon South)
RMIT Europe
Curtin University Mauritius
Curtin University Singapore
Curtin University Malaysia